Abstract Carvings

Shona and other African artists' abstract renditions of activities, people, individuals, and families

Shona artists, as well as artists from other local and regional groups have long been exponents of the abstract. We are seeing and consequently importing a much larger selection of hand-carved stone abstract art. African artists have been moving into use of some incredibly attractive stone and creating works that please even the most devoted collector of realistic sculpture. We think you will enjoy browsing through this section of our catalog.

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Serpentine Abstract Bust
This nice bust is carved from a piece of sea green Serpentine stone with darker green accents.

This abstract African art statue weighs 3 pounds 8 ounces. It is 6 inches high, 4 1/2 inches wide and 2 1/2 inches deep.
Serpentine Abstract Bust
Price $50.00 Order Serpentine Abstract Bust

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