Our name, "amaAfrika," literally translated from a large number of modern languages indigenous to southern Africa, means "we are Afrika." We have been interested in African art stone sculptures such as the ones shown in this catalog for many years. During that time we have put together a large collection, displayed prominently throughout our home.
As we completed each trip to southern Africa and prepared to return home always determined to keep our hand luggage to a minimum and not acquire any more suitcases than we'd had upon arrival the invariable new stone carving would enter our lives. In many, many instances it became the invariable stone carvings somehow always plural!
Try as we would as we traveled around the countryside, we always found someone with an attractive display of stone art carvings. In most cases we ended up purchasing, often pieces weighing upwards of 50 pounds a bit heavy when crated as "hand baggage" or even "accompanied hold baggage." It was this that gave us at least one valid reason for starting amaAfrika Karvings. Even for those who visit southern Africa, it's difficult to transport heavy, sometimes fragile pieces of stone art sculptures. We decided to "take over that responsibility."
We offer pieces that we personally have chosen. It may be possible to special order any item and this should be initiated by contacting us as shown on the home page. Perhaps there are other carved stone items you've heard about or seen at some time that you might like to have. Look over the site and let us know what you think of our choices. We can't guaranty to succeed every time but we'll try our best to find things to meet your requirements.
Jill and Steve
amaAfrika Karvings
Palmdale CA 93551
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